Wednesday, May 06, 2009

More Victories... Maine and D.C. On a related note, around tax day I was listening The Story and they were interviewing a man named Clark Williams from California who is married with one daughter. According to Williams, his family paid $7000 extra in federal taxes this year due to the fact that their marriage is not recognized by the U.S. government. Last year it was $8000 extra. Williams says in the interview: "That's a lot of money to our seems a violation of everything I love about our country". It seems so incredibly unfair. I actually admire Williams' honesty. If it were me, I'd probably just lie to the feds about my gender so I could file jointly with my spouse! Ridiculous. I sincerely hope that some day soon not only will states recognize such marriages, but our federal government will as well.


Ragfield said...

Sandra, I get your point, and I don't mean to detract from it. The argument could be made that, rather than simply being discriminatory towards gay couples, U.S. tax policy is discriminatory towards all unmarried people. Why should taxes be lower for people who choose to marry than for those who don't?


Sandra Cookie said...

Yes, I also consider it an injustice that our tax code discriminates against unmarried people, especially when there are many people - including but not limited to gays - who would chose to be married but are forced not to be (people like my mom). Why should my mom have to pay higher taxes next year just because my dad wants a divorce? Of course, I really don't know the ins and outs of our tax code, so someone can correct me if there is something I'm missing.

Anonymous said...

FLAT TAX ALL THE WAY!!!! That will never happen though.