Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stray cats

A whole bunch of stray kitties have been lurking on our street recently. I think this cute grey one was pretending he/she belonged to my neighbor (that's her back porch where it's sitting). My camera ran out of batteries, but after the orange and white cat ran through her yard, a third stray cat ran through the next yard, and then a FOURTH cat - Madeline's evil twin - showed up. Seriously, four stray cats in like 45 seconds!

Surprisingly, Madeline was mostly oblivious to these kitties. She did pause in her munching to peek through the fence (I think the orange and white cat was on the other side), but mostly she was busy eating grass:


Anonymous said...

Are you thinking of adopting one?! Maybe Madeleine would enjoy a new friend, hint hint. ;) -K

Sandra Cookie said... that you Kate? The little grey kitty is pretty cute and seemed intrigued by me, but it's still a fraidy-cat - always runs away when I approach.

Sandra Cookie said...

Oh yay! I just spoke to my neighbor and the cute little grey cat is Henry, a new addition to her family!