Friday, March 26, 2010

Simmer down, now!

Wow, I just tuned into my own blog this evening to find ELEVEN comments on the last post. I only had time to skim them, but looks like you're ready to start your own blog, TH! The bottom line is even though I'm interested and trying my best to stay informed, I actually have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to healthcare reform AND NEITHER DO ANY OF YOU (with the possible exception of K). Actually, nobody really does - I think Ruth Marcus lays this out well. Don't get me wrong, I know for a fact that TH, CG, and K are all intelligent, clear-thinking people. But we're also forming our opinions on healthcare reform from very biased perspectives, and there's simply no sense in trying to get a Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer to even slightly agree with someone who listens to way too much Rush :)

Anyway, let's use our anger over health care and channel it to something else! My Ph.D. is in environmental science, so I'll start a new debate on something I actually know something about: the issue of re-opening the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. You can read a bit about the issue here and here. At the last ASLO conference I attended there were several presentations involving Lake Baikal, and I've gotta say that the recent science being done in this UNESCO World Heritage site is fascinating and important. I intend to sign this petition, and if I come across a similar petition that others can sign, I'll be sure to post it here!


TreeHugger said...

Pardon me, but let me make sure I understand what just happened, blow by blow as it were...

1) You post your opinions in detail - while now admitting you actually have no idea what you're talking about;
2) You only skim the replies (my apologies for assuming this was a forum for intellectual discourse and not just a venue for only your postings where even you only read what you post yourself)
3) Now you make the uninformed assertion that no one else (except the one respondent supporting your uninformed opinion) has any idea of what they're talking about;
4) And, finally, through even less than what would be legally classified as "hearsay", you claim we're forming our opinions from very biased perspectives.

Did I get all that right?!

Not sure why I even posted this reply then, but obviously this isn't a BLOG I'll be returning to...



Sandra Cookie said...

I did read your comments, TH, and neither you, me, nor anyone else was adding anything new to the argument that's going on between both sides of the health reform debate. That's because none of us are professors in health care economics! If I'm wrong and you do have something new to add - well, geez, don't write it on my stupid blog - write a letter to your editor! You and I just try to keep ourselves informed as best we can, but really, we're not experts, and even if all of us have our facts straight, we ARE indeed biased and never going to agree. Hold on, I'm gonna continue this in a new post...