Saturday, April 10, 2010

Speaking of climate change skeptics...

...actually, there's a difference between climate change skeptics and deniers. The latter are closed-minded, selectively ignorant, and have an agenda that can only be categorized as anti-science and anti-truth. And in recent news Frenchman Claude Allegre is the poster boy of all this. French scientists are asking science minister Valérie Pécresse to officially denounce his latest book L'imposture climatique (The Climate Fraud). Hopefully she will, but you know what? I have absolutely no problem with Allegre representing the climate-change-denier-camp. Check this out:

Up or down? Paleoclimatologist Håkan Grudd says his temperature graph (red) doesn't match one drawn by Claude Allègre (black). Caption and picture published in the 9 April 2010 issue of Science.

Yes, it's true - this dude's book actually includes hand-drawn graphs of made-up data. Are you kidding me? Allegre must have some balls thinking he can twist around other scientists' data to fit whatever he wants it to say - and think that said scientists wouldn't notice this and call him out on it?! So yeah, nice job, Allegre - thanks for communicating loud and clear how you deniers operate.

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