A couple weeks ago I blogged about the
Lake Baikal issue - how moves are being made to re-open the Pulp and Paper Mill on the lakeshore.
The petition signed by concerned scientists (including me!) to express disapproval of the mill reopening has been sent to the president of the Russian Federation, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
On a completely unrelated note, it's April 28 - time to ask myself how I'm doing with my New Year's Resolutions (you totally thought I forgot, didn't you).
These were my three primary resolutions:
- Run hill repeats at least once every two weeks.
- Do strength training for at least 30 minutes a week (and my weekly ballet class doesn't count toward this).
- Floss way more often.
So I kept up #1 until the marathon taper and I've only done one hill repeat workout since the race. But that workout hardly counts because it was on the short, gradual hill near my house and I only did 6 repeats. #2 I've been pretty good about - only missed this a couple weeks this year. However, I think my strength training has now plateaued, so I need to change up my routine and up the intensity. And #3 I've utterly failed at. Why can't I get myself to floss??
These were my secondary resolutions:
- Run at least 30 miles a week to exceed 1500 miles for 2010.
- No computer or TV after 10 pm.
- Bedtime by 11 pm at the latest.
- Bike to work more often.
- Read more, watch TV and web surf less.
#4 I've achieved, #1 I sometimes accomplish, and don't ask about 2,3, and 5!