Thursday, April 09, 2009

More on Gay Rights

CG, your ignorance on GLBT issues is showing through your comments. It sounds like you need to educate yourself. My blog is not enough - check out Pam's House Blend (link on the left sidebar) and

Keep in mind, CG, that the Human Rights Campaign endorsed Obama because even though he doesn't support federal gay marriage, at least he supports civil unions and other pro-gay issues (anti-discrimination legislation, etc - see here). Obama was the only Presidential candiate I know of who specifically referenced his concern for his "gay brothers and sisters" in his speeches. I don't know about McCain, but Palin is indeed a homophobic bitch...remember this? And this? Those right-wing, Christian conservative, Jerry Fawell types are all alike - to them homosexuality is still a sickness, a disease, and God doesn't love them because of it! WTF? This attitude has got to stop, and I would think even YOU would agree with this since I assume you want your precious Republican party to make a comeback! A platform based on "anti-gay" will no longer be sustainable - you GOPs will have to find another way to bring your voters to the polls. I'm sure this is what the Log Cabin republicans have been trying to say for years.


Anonymous said...

which comments? you seem to have deleted them!! Thanks!

Sandra Cookie said...

I wanted to save you the embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there was anything embarrassing for me there. I was just poking fun at your preachy rant against palin.

Anonymous said...

If anyone was an embarrassment to the Republican Party (not to mention John McCain, who I would have had *a lot* more respect for had he not chosen that bitch as his running mate and who I have a lot of respect for in general), it was Palin. I want to throw up just thinking of her.

Shoot...I haven't been over here checking out your blog in a while, Sandra...thanks for helping me get that out of my system!


Happy trails,

Connie :)

Anonymous said...

The level of personal attacks raised against her (as well as GWB) bother me. I mean its one thing to criticize policies, but, come on, calling her a "Bitch"? Neither of you have ever met her! I fear you are victims of the caricature painted of her (e.g. a dumb bitch) by the media. Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to defend her personality OR her policies. I just don't like it when the voting public develop such personal angst for someone they've never met, as it tends to dumb down any kind of intellectual discussion. For all we know, Barak Obama is a homophobe asshole while Palin enjoys the friendship of homosexuals. I think it is safe to say that their public policy opinions are engineered to get votes from their constituency, or are based on their religious views or lack thereof. It doesn't make them a bitch or an asshole or stupid.

Anonymous said...

Chill CG. :)

I actually never call her a bitch in normal conversation with real live, 3D human beans - it's jerkwad then.

I get your point to have an intelligent conversation, but as you can surely tell from my other posts at this blog, I am certainly capable of that as I can engage in intelligent social discourse without resorting to name-calling.

However, there's a time and place for everything, and my post is in direct response to the tenor of Sandra's post (I doubt I would have called Palin a bitch had it not been already mentioned). Still, though, I find it fitting given the situation.

Seems to me that *you* are buying into the censorship she supports (she, unlike you of course, even used bullying tactics to get her way by firing a librarian) by trying to moderate my word usage.

I fought in a war to give you the right to voice your opinions here and to give me the right to voice my opinions here and to give Sandra the right to voice her opinions here (without fear of losing our jobs or being bullied by that bitch). Sorry - couldn't resist. :)

Now, if you don't like my comments, either ignore them or share more of your opinions about what I'm saying - either way, I welcome them as that's a freedom of speech I treasure and would lay my life down for again and again. Besides, I like what you have to say because it's always reasonable and with merit (even if you were to throw in a few expletives once in a while) ;)

Happy trails,

Connie :)

Sandra Cookie said...

Of course I don't know Palin personally, so of course me calling her a "homophobic bitch" is based on her political representation of herself, not her as a person. It's still pretty damn accurate! If she wants to change her political image of herself from homophobic bitch to tolerant supporter, she is more than welcome!

Sandra Cookie said...

Oh, and I think for myself, I don't let the media think for me. But a person's quotes, when not taken out of context, speak for themselves.