Sunday, March 29, 2009


I've been busy! I meant to blog about the Land Between the Lakes trail runs, but I'll just refer you to Rob's blog - he has a nice race report and pictures. Since LBL, my running has been really blah, even after a five (!) day hiatus. So I decided that was a good reason not to push it this weekend, combined with the fact that this weekend has been work work work (though I did run about 8 miles this morning). I'm taking another break now because my head hurts - mentally and physically. I have 18 papers graded, and 17 to go! And then a bunch of other stuff!

Anyway, Madeline has interrupted my work with comic relief. Once again, licking the soap (but not as vigorously as she licked the candles):

Not budging while I sheeted the bed:

And just posing like the little darling she is:


Beth said...

Hi Sandra :)
Our kitties stayed behind in the States, and we miss them! It is nice to see and hear about feline cuteness and shenanigans.

Tom Rice said...

That last photo of Madeline . . . mischief is written all over that face.