Sunday, January 25, 2009

Homemade Minestrone

I don't usually cook with meat, but last week I got inspired after thumbing through the Joy of Cooking, and I decided to roast a chicken. Then this week I was about to throw the chicken carcass away when I stopped and thought "hey, I should make stock!" So I did, and the chicken stock actually turned out pretty well, so from it I made minestrone soup:

It is not too bad, if I do say so myself. I put in almost twice as many macaronis as the recipe called for (you can probably tell from the picture) because I like a lot of pasta in my minestrone. I also put in twice the fresh herbs, and a little less broth than the 10 cups the recipe said, so it is quite flavorful.

So. Today begins the last week of my 20s. I am slightly bummed, because I feel like as long as I'm 20-something I can still pretend I'm a kid sometimes. But it's gonna be hard to feel like a kid when I'm THIRTY. I was boosted a bit this morning by some lady at church asking me "how school was going", and when I mentioned I teach at Duke rather than take classes there she said "oh, you don't look old enough to be teaching!" (I've had this conversation with at least 4 people at church, and it always makes me feel better). So I guess as long as I don't look 30, maybe I can get away with continuing some of my 20-something habits. Like wearing a short skirt. According to some magazine or something I read somewhere once (Glamour? Washington Post fashion column?) only women under 30 should be wearing short skirts. At 30 you've supposedly reached some level of maturity that is above the teen/collegiate/20s-look-at-me-I'm-so-sexy look of short skirts. Well, that's a fashion rule I'm gonna break because my legs are too fabulous to not show off once in a while!


Anonymous said...

I concur on the wardrobe habits ;)
oh, and the soup looks great too ;)

Anonymous said...

I had a "Oh my God!!!!! I'm gonna be 30!!!!" early, mid-life crisis, too.

Then I realized I was only a day older than the last day I was 29, and when I turned 29, I was simply a day older than the last day I spent as a 28 year old, etc., etc., etc.

Feel better?

I didn't think so.

[walking away slowly with tail between legs]


Have a wonderful 30th birthday, Sandra.

Happy trails,

Connie :)