I actually have no idea how I was able to finish in 4:39:47. That's 10 minutes faster than I did LBL last year, and Umstead was way hillier and hotter (LBL had snow, but heat is even worse), and I was just as poorly trained. I started worrying about whether or not I could finish at mile 11 - ELEVEN! My stomach felt like it usually does at the end of a marathon, where the thought of another gel makes me want to barf and nothing seems to quench my thirst. The Gatorade on the course tasted really concentrated, which was good - it's sometimes watered-down on race courses - but I still had trouble staying hydrated. My friend had salt tabs at the mile 21 aid station (thank you Mickey!). I've never used salt tabs before, but the way I was feeling I figured they couldn't hurt! It's hard to tell if they actually helped because I still felt lousy the rest of the race, but maybe I would've felt even worse without them.
Anyway, I don't have any pictures from the race itself, and if any get posted on the website, I probably won't re-post any of me here, because I am sure I looked awful. I got splotchy sunburn and my arms and back still ache from my hunched-over, trying-not-to-collapse running form. But I do have a picture of my...handmade frog award! In this race they give awards to the top 15 male and 15 female finishers. Somehow, I just made it - I was number 15!

Also, all finishers got a pint glass:

And our goody bags had some of the best schwag of any races I've done. Socks perfect for Sandra Cooke, Ph.D.:

Gels, chews, lotion, organic lip balm, and a body glide sample:

Speaking of body glide, I have never used it because I have NEVER had major chafing issues...until this marathon. Andrew says I've been lucky. But I am worried that it means my thighs have gotten fatter! Anyway, I am totally gonna be a body glide user from now on (but I'll also try to slim my thighs!)
And then of course, the technical race tee-shirt:

Also, the post-race food was pretty good - veggie and chicken burritos, chips, fruit, oreos, and more. So all in all, it was a good race. Besides the usual soreness (and chafing and sunburn!), my left foot hurts today, but it's better than it was yesterday. So hopefully I'll be able to start AND finish the LBL 23K this Saturday!
Great Job, Sandra!
So you tried Body Glide and salt capsules? Coool. Next you be signing up for a 50 miler :)
Congratulations on a great run! See you next week at LBL.
Congratulations on finishing 15th! That was no easy feat with the hills and heat.
Way to go GB!!! How about I buy you a pancake or two Sunday?
15th female? Way to go, girl!
So what if you looked awful - would have loved to have seen some pics of you earning that frog and all the other cool schwag!
Happy trails,
Connie, from now-flooded Northwest Indiana :)
Nice preparation there...Looks you are having fun running...Congrats!!!
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