Sunday, September 19, 2010


Andrew and I bought a half-share in Walking Fish again, and our first shipment last week was jumbo shrimp. Yum! There was a lot of it, too. The organizers said that the price increase this year was due to more seafood in the half shares, and they weren't kidding. We had half of our half share in an anchovy-garlic-butter sauce with linguine on Friday. Today I made spring rolls with edamame, jalapenos, bean sprouts, mint, and basil in a soy-peanut-ginger dipping sauce.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bird boarder

I have a little nighttime boarder that sleeps in the same corner of my front porch awning pretty often - probably about half the time I think to check, he's there. For a while, I didn't know what was staying there - I just noticed that something would fly away when I came home at night. I assumed it was a bat or something. But then one night when I came home I was quiet enough to not scare it away and discovered it was this bird. Any expert birders out there know what it is and why it prefers my porch awning at night? I got a good look at its face one time when it turned around and looked at me before flying away. It had a longish (maybe ~3/4 inch) thin beak. I'm not much of a bird person, but it sure is cute! I took these pictures last night, and I just checked now - sure enough, there it is, all settled in for the night!