Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here are some quick facts

Click the link above. These are the sorts of problems that most Republicans ignore or won't fix because it's "too much government intervention and money". But just leaving it up to your precious free market isn't gonna fix these things. These problems ultimately affect us all as a nation, and thus as a nation we need to address them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, look at the mess we're in because Greenspan assumed dishonest people would be honest...or as he put it, and I'm paraphrasing, he thought banks would look out for the best interests of their shareholders
and their equity.

And he has the gall to say he still doesn't understand how things got so out of control. 'bout this, Alan: you have friends in high places and didn't want to police them, and in your overzealousness to stand by your reputation as a staunch opposer to federal regulation, and you acted in your own self-interest and didn't do your job?!

Part of the Fed's job is to regulate. Good to say we have one now who is doing that to a greater degree, even if his hand's being forced due to a global recession.

Connie :)