Thursday, August 28, 2008

For biology teachers

The "Discovery Institute" (for some reason I feel they deserve quotes around their name) has been distributing a document to students entitled “Ten questions to ask your biology teacher about evolution". The National Center for Science Education has compiled a set of responses to these questions to aid biology teachers whose students try to challenge them with these questions. I think the NCSE did a good job, but I still wonder if these students will just end up confused, or will refuse to admit to anything that they view as contradicting their faith, no matter how sensible and compelling the evidence is. The NY Times recently published this list. Also, the article that accompanied this list I found quite interesting but also troubling. I can feel Mr. Campbell's frustration.

This reminded me of Lehigh University's Michael Behe. When I was in grad school there, I often heard him referred to as an "embarrassment". I thought I'd check his webpage to see if he's altered any of his ID content (he hasn't). And Lehigh's Biology Department has stated clearly and succinctly their view of his views.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tomato score: Squirrels 8, Sandra 0

Andrew was here last weekend and brought his digital camera, so now I have pictures to post! Nothing too exciting, but I did want to give an update on my little "practice garden". Occasionally I have an alert, squirrel-chasing guard cat:

but Madeline would have to be on duty 24/7 to keep the little thieves away. They have gotten at least 8 of my tomatoes, but the hearty little plant is producing more, so I must do something to protect them!

After Andrew left I built a chicken-wire fortress around my tomato plant. So far it's working, and my tomatoes have grown noticeably! Also, my marigolds have begun to produce flowers! This was after Andrew and his camera left, though, so I don't have pictures (I am still clinging to my broken digital, hoping somehow it might just start randomly working again). Also, my basil is being eaten less by insects and more my me. The mint is flourishing as usual.

Here are some pretty purple flowers from the side of my house. I've seen these all over the Raleigh-Durham area. Does anyone know what they are? I am awful with plant ID!

Andrew, I wonder if the large red and black beetle we saw was a type of carrion beetle (that's what it looks like in my Peterson insect guide). Do you remember it looking like this?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a great sentiment...

...from my favorite comic strip, For Better or For Worse (it takes place in Canada):

Some day, our country will reach that milestone, too.