Friday, May 09, 2008

I don't understand Congress!

When I had Mrs. Schofp's NSL Government class as an ignorant, naive 10th grader, I thought a three-branch government with bicameral legislature made perfect sense and was the best system possible. Now I read about stuff like this and want to bang my head against a wall. Congress sucks. We need a new political party - one that won't waste my tax $ and actually accomplishes something! I bet the Green Party would be more efficient if voters would give them a chance.

Anyway, the quality of my blogging is compromised now because my digital camera broke :( And I would rather not waste film on things like the "brutti ma buoni" cookies I made and Madeline making funny faces, even though they'd be interesting enough to post. But Andrew lent me his camera for a while so I took some pictures of the flowers in the courtyard of the building where I work. If I have some reading to do, I like to come out here instead of sitting in my office:

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