Friday, March 21, 2008

Confronting danger in Afghanistan - sigh, how romantic!

I missed this news when it first came out, but I was watching a Colbert Report rerun last night and he talked about this videoconference Bush had with the troops in Afghanistan. I could not believe the President actually said these things, so I had to go find the Reuters article. Colbert gave a "wag of the finger" to the troops for arousing the President's envy (har!)

"I must say, I'm a little envious," Bush said. "If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed."

"It must be exciting for you ... in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks," Bush said.

Well gee. Now when I think of war and its impact on troops, I will no longer think of PTSD! I think how lucky these young people are! And gosh, if they're having such a "fantastic experience" what's with all this "support our troops" hogwash anyway? If things really are "exciting" and "romantic" over there they don't need our support.

Days until the idiot is outta there: 305

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