Sunday, May 06, 2007

Poor me!

1. The Orioles are losing 8-3 in the 7th right now. Also, the Yankees won. Also I still owe a certain Tigers fan some $ b/c the Tigers swept the Orioles.

2. One of these ankles is not like the other:

I was ~1.5 miles into the 7 mile Lake Mingo loop when I turned my ankle this morning. At least I only had to hobble 1.5 miles back to the car instead of 3.5 or something! So instead of running 14 miles as planned I've been vegging on the couch, eating and watching baseball. And I'm really bummed, because icing it hasn't reduced the swelling and it really hurts, which means I probably won't be running for a while. Poor me!


Anonymous said...

Oh bummer! Wrap it up! That looks like a bad one. I hope you heal soon. At least in time for the 10 year reunion!

-Kate :)

Anonymous said...

well, your toenails look nice anyway. haha.