Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Whew! I was feeling kinda down today (actually very down), so I decided I totally needed to cheer myself up. I thought I would share the things that made me laugh out loud:

1. Reading The Onion. They're featuring some of their best 2006 articles. I especially liked the pieces about consoling Pluto and defending marriage.

2. Rereading some of my favorite comics. Is it legal to repost these or am I breaking a copyright law? Anyway, most of these are from the washingtonpost.com comics section:

3. Some new (to me anyway) "yo mama" jokes (from A Prairie Home Companion Pretty Good Joke Book):

- Yo mama's armpits stink so bad she made Right Guard turn left.
- Yo mama's so ugly the Red Cross talked her out of being an organ donor.
- Yo mama's so ugly all her neighbors chipped in for curtains.
- Yo mama's so fat she sat on a quarter and a booger popped out of George Washington's nose.
- Yo mama's so old she sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
- Yo mama's so slow her ancestors arrived on the June Flower.
- Yo mama's so dumb she only changed your diapers once a month because it said on the box "Good for up to 20 pounds!"
- Yo mama's so fat when she was walking down the street and I swerved to miss her, I ran out of gas.

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