Saturday, November 18, 2006

Introducing Sandra Cookie's blog!

Hey Future Loyal Readers of Sandra Cookie's Blog!

So I decided to start a blog because all of the cool people are doing it. This first post is sort of a test post as I figure out all the ins and outs of blogging. Let's see if I can get the basics: colored text...check. Fun fonts...check. Okay, posting of a Cool Picture:

...check! Doesn't it look yummy? I drew it myself using my pastellos! I was inspired by the M&M cookies sold in the Woodmoor Pastry Shop, this neat little bakery in Silver Spring, MD where I had my first job, many years ago. I think a picture of a cookie is appropriate for the inaugural post of Sandra Cookie's blog, and I decided to draw a cookie rather than photograph one because (1) I was feeling colorful and creative and (2) I don't have a digital camera, so drawing & scanning was quicker.

My name is Sandra Cooke. The history behind Sandra Cookie, in case you're interested (and if you've read this far, you must be) began in elementary school, when some of my classmates thought my last name was pronounced "cookie". More recently, at a research symposium in grad school one of my fellow grad students, whose first language was not English, introduced me as Sandra Cookie. Everyone thought it was cute 'n funny, so "cookie" sort of stuck. What I think is funny is that telemarketers will ask to speak to "Mr. or Mrs. Cookie" to which I respond "there's no one here by that name". Anyway, I love cookies, so it's a good moniker. It's also unique according to this website I heard about on the radio. There are apparently 113 Sandra Cookes in the U.S., but zero Sandra Cookies. However, when I entered my mom's name on this site (Laurine Cooke), it came up with zero - meaning it is statistically unlikely that anyone with that name exists. My mom definitely exists, so this site is just another example of how statistics need to be interpreted with a grain of salt!

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